Hey Reader, Here's a truth most of us ignore for way too long: You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness by yourself and others. The good news is, you lead the way. You show others how to treat you by choosing how you treat yourself and setting clear boundaries. You can decide to stand up for yourself, quickly move on after failure, and celebrate your successes with grace and joy instead of belittling your efforts. 🥳 Most people will make you feel bad for being proud of yourself and standing up for your rights, but that’s usually just because they don’t know any better. It’s not because they’re right. You’re allowed to be proud of yourself and celebrate your wins. You’re also allowed to change your path or goals without apologizing. And most importantly, you’re allowed to have high standards without feeling bad about them. You have one life and all the rights to design it so you feel good about yourself. When you fail, remind yourself that you didn’t make mistakes on purpose — you made the best possible decision with the resources and information you had available, and you deserve kindness and support despite your mistakes. Start treating yourself like you treat the people you like and respect. 🥰 You might also like these 👇
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If you're anything like me, your expectations and ideas about friendships changed throughout your life. As a kid, you feel cool when you have a lot of friends. But the older we get, the harder it is to: 🔁 stay in touch with our friends 🆕 or worse: to make new friends I'm not even sure which one's harder, but I recently gained brilliant insights from an article titled How to Make Friends as an Adult. The author lived across three continents in nine different towns over the last 20 years, so he...
Hey Reader, When I say writing has changed my life, most people think I’m exaggerating or being too romantic. But I’m not. Over the last five years, I’ve practiced various forms of writing: I self-published a book. I wrote over 550 articles on Medium. I'm journaling almost daily. I sent over 700 newsletters to subscribers just like you. And I can confidently say writing can change your life in ways you might’ve never expected.Learn more about how writing consistently could change your life....
In 1967, researchers at UCLA wrote about the importance of nonverbal communication and how our body language and tone of voice can influence our message. Over the following decades, the research was misinterpreted and led to a popular yet false concept named 7/38/55, which indicates that: 7% of a message is expressed through the actual words used 38% of a message is expressed through the tone of voice 55% of a message is expressed through body language Of course, this isn’t always true. When...